Greenery and Flowers | Vase Bouquet
Greenery and Flowers | Vase Bouquet
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The Morning Dew Bouquet is an elegant arrangement featuring a green vase filled with pink roses, white roses, and violets. These soft, harmonious colors create a beautiful contrast against the fresh green of the vase, evoking feelings of romance, purity, and sophistication. The pink roses symbolize love and warmth, the white roses represent purity, and the violets add a touch of mystery and grace. Together, they create a layered and vibrant visual, reminiscent of a serene spring garden in the early morning light.Perfect for placement in a living room, bedroom, or study, this bouquet serves as an exquisite decor piece or a thoughtful gift. Ideal for special occasions or simply brightening up daily life, the Morning Dew Bouquet brings a gentle charm and uplifting elegance to any space.
Product Details:
- 1 Green Ceramic Vase
- 5 White violet
- 40 Pink Roses
- 15 White Roses